
Starting Fields

An endless meadow of green grass and blue sky, the calm before the calamity. This was where all the contestants woke up and began their journey.

Rock Labyrinth

It looks like everyone is decieved by the calmness of the meadow, and are trapped underground! There is no time to waste, as not only did they have to find one of the three colored doors, they have to dodge dangerous rock slides and navigate the twisted maze!

Holding Areas

These are smaller, transitional rooms meant to keep contestants grouped together before they're ready for the next location. Personally, I think they're rather useless.

Gilded Fountain

A room made of gold blocks and fountains that has a fairly simple puzzle. Its glittery facade hides the most painful traps.

Snowy Area/Cabin

A lone cabin surrounded by a harsh snowstorm. A nostalgic place, for someone else at least.

The Backstage

This place definitely has some backtory to it. Beware of ghosts and their tendency to ramble on about their past trauma.

The Library

This place links to the Backstage, and is one of the main 'control rooms' of Abject Reality. It is decrepit and all the machinery is unused, but at least it distracts all the nerds and their need for lore.

Playtest Mountains

A fun place to test out new weaponry for your first-placers! Purple mountains and floating robot eyeballs, what's not to be excited about?


A seemingly endless jungle that's so expansive it would take a week to find your way out. Watch your step, or spiky vines would entrap you, and you could also risk being burnt by molten Regia crystals.
The top of the mountain leads to an active volcano, with a pool of corrosive Regia lava before you could access the next room. Sounds simple? It probably isn't.


There are two separate voids. One of them before Abject Reality, and the other, a final resting place for ill-fated contestants.
